
Hello everybody!

The picture you see shows an Epiphone Sheraton II,
a truly legendary guitar, not only because I have got one, but also because its previously released model (Sheraton) was played by the great bluesman, John Lee Hooker, in the '60s.
I was looking for a picture which could figure the most interesting aspect of mine, and eventually (I came in fact quite quickly to a decision) I realized that nothing would be more fitting than a picture of my guitar to represent the great passion I have for Music...

Sunday, 11 November 2007

Social Bookmarking

Hi everybody,

I enjoyed entering the community of del.icio.us and finding new sources from the web!
I noticed some members of my network added really useful links to sources like online dictionaries and others urls related to the world of the English language, which I didn't know. For this reason I have to say that again I learnt something new that could prove useful. As anybody else in this course, I have tracked down similar sources throughout the last years at the university, however I saw that there is still much to discover about e-learning, dictionaries and so on, and del.icio.us provides really much about such matter!
But the most interesting aspect is that of sharing with the other members of bloggingenglish all these sources that, I'm sure, will increase in number day by day.
I tried to find more links to different subjects also, and to tell the truth I expected to discover something more; there were few tagged urls to subjects like music, art...
I added a list of miscellaneous links, so that any blogger could not only discover some brand new sites, but could also know a bit more about me through my interests.
I hope you'll appreciate the hints!



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