
Hello everybody!

The picture you see shows an Epiphone Sheraton II,
a truly legendary guitar, not only because I have got one, but also because its previously released model (Sheraton) was played by the great bluesman, John Lee Hooker, in the '60s.
I was looking for a picture which could figure the most interesting aspect of mine, and eventually (I came in fact quite quickly to a decision) I realized that nothing would be more fitting than a picture of my guitar to represent the great passion I have for Music...

Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Comments on PEL

Hi Everybody,

I must admit I had never thought about a 'visual' organization of my English learning before doing e-tivity 9! I tried to plan my learning environement so that it could apper as clear as possible... hope it will be so to you all readers! At the beginning I spent a bit of time experimenting Free Mind, which was totally a brand new program to me, however, finally, I could manage it... I had fun while I tried to organize my visual map of all my study activities and eventuatlly I was surprised as I realized that it is true that our language learning comes mostly from informal activieties and personal interests!
At the end of this e-tivity I reflected that I've been studying English since many years and there's still much I have to do to improve my pronounciation, the use of structures and so on... I mean, while I was building my map I understood that there won't be a time in which I'll be satisfied with my English... that is I'll be studying to improve my oral and written skills for the rest of my life... ;-) Even though I won't be the only one ;-) I was a bit disappointed about that...
However I've become aware, once again, of the fact that nowadays we have at our fingertips any kind of tools and sources which can help us to level our English up... and therefore they should be helping me not to get bored at practicing the language still for a long time ;-)
Since I'm sure that many of you Bloggers, who are attending our e-course, have written similar tools and sources to mine in your PELs, I'd like to focus a little bit on one main aspect of my English learning experience. [This aspect has to do with music, of course! ;-)]
Although there is a number of interactive English courses on the web, which offer free online lessons, conferences, podcasts, videos, and many others cool sources, I've come to the conclusion that to me there is only one strategy that till now has effectively made me improve my Engligh: Songs! :-) Since years I've been learning hundreds of new words from the lyrics of my favourite artists and it is obvious to me to say that they have helped me very much to widely enlarge my vocabulary. Some time ago I realized that listening to songs and reading lyrics, was not only a pleasure to me, but even a more successful device than reading books, to definetely learn new terms, structures, puns... The fact is that listening to a song, you can learn the pronounciation and the use of new words and because then you repeat them while you're singing the lyrics... you learn it, even without being aware of that!

What do you think about that? Do you have any different strategy to suggest me?

See you all soon!


Friday, 30 November 2007

Judging Online Sources

Hi everybody,

In this post I should be valuing online sources, which for example I might be using when I'll write my theses... Well, to tell the truth I have never thought about it before! I agree with what it is written on the Essex university's tips because when I start a search on the web and find a page which seems to me interesting, I always check the author and the nation to which the pieces of information belong to. It is important to me if the webpage is related to academic or cultural organization: obviously they appear to be more reliable than others. Another tip on how I spot relevant pages is finding out if the sources offers a number of links to which I can refer to discover more about a subject. This might be really helpful, for generally the most important websites connected to a subject, are always linking one each other. Sometimes I judge webpages even from the point of view the layout: it is important for me the way in which a web site is structured, even more when for example I have access to it more than once. If it is uncomfortable to me, I usually leave it aside.
However to tell the truth, I believe that Internet might be a reliable source, when you have to deal with subjects that have been recently developped, when for example it is difficult to find information about them on specific books or reviews. In other cases many pages on the Internet report superficial, false or even wrong information. That's why we should pay attention, as many of our professors at the university tell to us, to what we can find on online sources.


Monday, 26 November 2007

Test (You)Tube

Hi everybody,

I hope you enjoyed the video and that it will help you to learn something new about YouTube.com!
The reason why I decided to add it to this post, is that I've still trouble with YouTube's tools... I entered the YouTube community and got an account on August, but until now the videos I added didn't prove successful... I realized that only people I'm contact with, watched the video (because I told them :-) ), whereas only a few of newcomers happened to see it. WHY?
At the beginning I thought that it was my fault, since I couldn't share or tag the video properly, so that other people could find it easily. Watching other videos, I understood that the problem was related to other causes also... I thought: "Why thousand unuseful/silly/absurd/foolish videos (I believe you all agree with me: there are many of them) get viewed even 2.000.000 times?" It can't be!!!
I believe, as Alan said on the video above, that there are small YouTubers (like me) who can hardly increase visibility of their videos, Why aren't we promoted? Could it be that within the community there are more influent YouTubers? Due for example to commercial ends? For example I heard of a similar issue about the Myspace community...

Let me know what you think about it!
And don't forget to leave a comment on the video, if you think that other aspects might be improved on YouTube!

See you soon!


A Video about me! ;-)

Saturday, 17 November 2007

Blogging English or Podcasting English?

Hello Everybody!

On e-tivity 6 we were asked to search for podcasts that might be useful to improve our English.
First of all I found out that podcasts are relatively new means that are applied to English learning websites. However most of the advanced pages dedicated to English students are already providing a large number of podcasting sources.
Searching the web to discover some engaging sites that provided podcasts,
I came across


While grammar exercises and lessons, (we all found on those pages we added on del.icio.us), focus on writing skills, (I realized that) podcasts are essential tools for English learners to develop their oral skills. That's why we were asked to add the new sources again on del.icio.us. For you can download them, (you can find mp3s files or video files too so that you can even watch them!) you'll be able to listen to interviews, lessons, talks, radio broadcasting just by your mp3 reader, whenever you want... For example while you're waiting for the bus to come to Padova or while you're jogging.
Finally you don't need to have access to a computer or to come to English lessons at University ;-) to listen to a native English speaker.

So by now, there won't be any more excuse to bad pronounciation...
Let's start listening then!


Tuesday, 13 November 2007


Hello everybody,

Here are short a few comments on the urls added by my network's members on del.icio.us:

Thanks to Elisarossi I visited:


which is a very useful online guide to English pronounciation.
I added to my list of my favorites, because I hadn't had an online pronounciation reference before. I recommend it since it's very easy and especially quick to use!

Thanks to evapremrl I visited:


The website provides tools like dictionaries, encyclopedia and interesting information about English history, society and culture... Finally something different from the "old" online dictionary, isn't it?

Thanks to FredFiore's I visited:


I'll be visiting this site often, when I chat!Sometimes I miss the right words...

Thanks to Giovanna_Simonato's I visited:


I liked the idea of getting English lessons, posted on a blog from virtual teachers. They seem to be friendly too!

Thanks to valebham's I visited:


On this site you'll find a huge recordings' collection of English dialects and accents from all over the world. You can save the files and easily listen to all pronounciations you want.
It might be interesting listening and discovering your pronounciation is closer to a dialect than to the standard BrE...

Have fun,


Sunday, 11 November 2007

Social Bookmarking

Hi everybody,

I enjoyed entering the community of del.icio.us and finding new sources from the web!
I noticed some members of my network added really useful links to sources like online dictionaries and others urls related to the world of the English language, which I didn't know. For this reason I have to say that again I learnt something new that could prove useful. As anybody else in this course, I have tracked down similar sources throughout the last years at the university, however I saw that there is still much to discover about e-learning, dictionaries and so on, and del.icio.us provides really much about such matter!
But the most interesting aspect is that of sharing with the other members of bloggingenglish all these sources that, I'm sure, will increase in number day by day.
I tried to find more links to different subjects also, and to tell the truth I expected to discover something more; there were few tagged urls to subjects like music, art...
I added a list of miscellaneous links, so that any blogger could not only discover some brand new sites, but could also know a bit more about me through my interests.
I hope you'll appreciate the hints!



Sunday, 4 November 2007

Bloglines & Feeds


It was quite easy and interesting creating a playlist for the pages of Blogging English bloggers and for other pages I usually visit during the day more times!
I found it the more interesting e-tivity to do up to now; it was really something I had never dealt with! What I thought after adding some URLs to my playlist, is that Feeds are a very clever tool, which might help me not to spend too much time by visiting thousand times the same page per day just to be updated to the last news.
Furthermore through Feeds I'll be able to check more pieces of news (about anything!!!) than in past, because I'll get them all at once just by visiting one page!
Finally a great way to save time!!!


Friday, 2 November 2007


Hello Everybody,

here I am, I'm sorry for being late...
Finally my Blog has at least an outline!
For me it's the first time in a blog or better this is my first blog, so I must say that it took me much time just to choose layouts, colours, photos and so on... at the beginning I found it hard, just because I chose a false layout, which I couldn't work on properly... that was my firts difficulty... after then I started having fun improving the page and adding links and photos.
Now it's a bit more comfortable to me to get in on the act! The page finally presents some of my distinguishing features... see The Blues Brothers' photo!

I believe that blogging will help me improving my expressive skills in English... There's still much to do! However, because I'm supposed to write in an informal English, it should be easier for me to avoid those long and heavy sentences I usually use in formal pieces of writings...

See you all soon!
